Program Availability
Indiana State University’s General Education Mobile (GEM) partnership program is available to all active-duty Air Force, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve members. Students work directly with Indiana State University to complete enrollment and degree requirements.
The GEM partnership is offered in accordance with the Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) established by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). Details are available at dodmou.com.
Program Highlights
Indiana State University participates in the General Education Mobile (GEM) partnership program with the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) to provide a streamlined path for active-duty service members to complete general education courses required for the online CCAF Associate in Applied Sciences (AAS) degree. The program is designed to support military students with resources tailored to their unique needs.
Course Delivery
Indiana State University’s online courses are typically asynchronous, which allows students to work within the calendar provided by the instructor without having to log in at specific times for lectures or other learning materials. In rare cases, programs may have a few synchronous courses that require students to meet online at specific dates and times. All course materials are presented through the University’s online learning management system, Canvas.
The GEM program has approved courses applicable to the CCAF Associate in Applied Sciences (AAS) degree.
Oral Communication
- COMM 101 – Introduction to Public Communication (3 credits)
Written Communication
- ENG 101 – Freshman Writing I (3 credits)
- ENG 105 – Freshman Writing II (3 credits)
- MATH 116 – Pre-Calculus (4 credits)
- MATH 131 – Calculus I (4 credits)
- MATH 132 – Calculus II (4 credits)
- MATH 241 – Principles of Statistics (3 credits)
Social Science
- ECON 100 – Basic Economics (3 credits)
- ECON 200 – Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
- ECON 201 - Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)
- ESPY 221 – Developmental Psychology (3 credits)
- PSY 101 – General Psychology: Understanding Human Behavior (3 credits)
- PSY 266 – Developmental Psychology (3 credits)
- SOC 101 – Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)
- PSCI 105 – Issues of Our Times (3 credits)
- PSCI 107 – Leadership, Ethics, and Democracy (3 credits)
- FREN 101 – Elementary French I (3 credits)
- SPAN 101 – Elementary Spanish I (3 credits)
- ART 151 – Visual Arts in Civilization (3 credits)
- PHIL 201 – Ethics and the Good Life (3 credits)
- MUS 233 – Music Appreciation (3 credits)
- COMM 240 – Introduction to Film (3 credits)
- ENG 239 – Literature and Human Experience (3 credits)
Indiana State University Mission Statement
We transform the lives of students through a high-quality education infused with experiential learning, community engagement and career-readiness. Our students succeed within a culture of inclusion and support that provides the skills and knowledge to impact Indiana and beyond.
Tuition and Fees
Active military personnel, who are serving in any state or abroad, are considered Indiana residents for tuition fee purposes. View more information on the cost of attendance via Costs and Aid.
Veterans’ Services
Indiana State University is an approved veterans’ benefits institution and is prepared to offer active-duty service members and veterans the support needed to use the education benefits they have earned. For example, advisors help military students navigate their educational journey. Visit Veteran Services for more information.
Student Support Services
Indiana State University offers several support services to students enrolled in the GEM program:
Additional Resources
Active-duty service members and veterans need to speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within their military service before enrolling at Indiana State University. The Veterans Resource Center provides additional resources on academic programs, benefits, application instructions and enrollment, class schedules, transcripts, etc.
General Studies (BA/BS)
Leadership and Professional Development (BS) Online
Organizational Leadership and Supervision (BS) Online